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A.J. Haskins

Graduate student at Dartmouth

Psychological & Brain Sciences



Haskins, A., Mentch, J., Botch, T., Garcia, B., Burrows, A., Robertson, C. (2022). Reduced social attention in autism is magnified by perceptual load in naturalistic environments. Autism Research. [link]

Jamal, W., Cardinaux, A., Haskins, A., Kjelgaard, M., Sinha, P. (2020). Reduced sensory habituation in autism and its correlation with behavioral measures. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.


Haskins, A., Mentch, J., Botch, T., Robertson C. (2020). Active vision in immersive, 360° real-world environments. Scientific Reports. [link]

Jouravlev, O., Kell, A., Mineroff, Z., Haskins, A., Ayyash, D., Kanwisher, N., Fedorenko, E. (2020). Reduced language lateralization in autism and the broader autism phenotype as assessed with robust individual-subjects analyses. Autism Research.

Spiegel, A., Mentch, J., Haskins, A., Robertson, C. E. (2019). Slower rate of binocular rivalry in the autistic brain. Current Biology 29, 1-6. [pdf]

Kliemann, D., Richardson, H., Anzellotti, S., Ayyash, D., Haskins, A., Gabrieli, J. D. E., Saxe, R. R. (2018). Cortical responses to dynamic emotional facial expressions generalize across stimuli, and are sensitive to task-relevance, in adults with and without autism. Cortex 103, 24-43. [pdf] AT

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